Queen, alternative way to make it

To make a crown i used cylinder, deleted top face, doubled vertecies on top line, then selected only side-faces of cylinder and made triangles (ctrl+T), after this i selected top vertecies and used checker diselect and deleted half of vertecies. For the rest of crown was added new sphere with same radius deleted bottom half part of it and snapped to the first part of crown. Then I added new little sphere and using boolean i put it on the top of the crown. For spines to make them width i used extrude along normals.

Anyway, i think the better way is shown in course… problem o this is that after CTRL+T (which makes triangles) you cant alt+select bottom ring of cylinder… and generally its much more complicated than method on course video.


It is good to be exploring Blender’s alternatives - you will learn a lot more that way :smile:

after CTRL+T (which makes triangles) you cant alt+select bottom ring of cylinder…

Yes, loop-select and loop-cut relies on your geometry being quads-only. There is the “tris to quads” operation which with a large angle can fix some triangulation.
You can use triangulation to control loop cuts - remember this when doing the knight - you don’t need a loop cut all the way round the model for the mane; you can triangulate the faces where you want the loop-cut to terminate (triangulated faces in blue, loop-cut in red) to keep the base geometry clean:
Also, in Windows 10 you can use the built-in “Snipping Tool” to take border-selected screenshots like the one above which should save you some upload time :sunglasses:


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