Quad flow failing on model

I tried playing around with the quadflow tool but it doesn’t seem to like my dragon model that much. gives an error saying “QuadriFlow: The mesh needs to be manifold and have face normals that point in a consistent direction”

I went into edit mode and tried selecting by non-manifold, loose, etc, and nothing seems to be wrong. I then tried recalculating all the normals to the outside, but I still get the error for some reason. has anyone else run into an issue like this?

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If you have a lot of faces, then checking for manifold can be difficult.

The Blend 3D print add-on (see preferences) has a manifold check tool.
Maybe that will help you in finding the problem.


Did you select by trait, non manifold, while in vertex mode? I would use wireframe too as that can show up internal or hidden issues.
Never come across any auto retoppo issues, always do it by hand.


yes i did. i ended up getting quad remesher and it didn’t get the issue. i guess quadriflow just didn’t like my model

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