Pyramid with ramp (Snapping Tools) - won't snap to edge no matter what I try

I have been making this model for the 3rd time to really get the hang of it and I can’t seem to make the top of the ramp edge snap to the edge on the pyramid (lecture 31, 9min30). I have tried everything I can think of, including going back to a simple box model to make sure snapping is working. What could I be missing?

Here’s the thing - I have found if I have ‘snap onto itself’ on it finally works. Though this doesn’t make sense to me and I don’t recall it being mentioned in the lessons.

Okay, so if it’s not snapping to the edge, what is it doing? There isn’t enough information here for anyone to offer advice. Try posting screenshots, a video, gif or the .blend and maybe someone will be able to help you out better.

Thanks for the advice. I’ve attached a screenshot. I seem to have solved the problem by making sure the button ‘snap onto itself’ is active. Without this being on I can move the edge around and it won’t snap to anything.

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