Pyramid with ramp (lesson 31, snapping)

I’ve followed the directions for creating the ramp back in lesson 28 up to lesson 31, but shouldn’t that ramp go up another step?

Ok, after continuing with the lesson I see how the top part of the ramp was corrected, but I had trouble with snapping. I set the top to “snap to edge” and it seemed to work, but I see a tell-tale shadow as though the top part of the step is overhanging slightly above the ramp. I had a lot of trouble getting the bottom of the ramp to snap into position. I imitated the instructor’s procedure several times (set snap to increment, pulled down on Z and then out along X) but with different results: the bottom of the ramp kept snapping way below the base of the pyramid. The pyramid certainly appears level with the grid, so I don’t know. I ended up turning snap off and adjusting the bottom of the ramp manually.

Looks pretty good so far. I am just a little further along and had some trouble with railing and stairs. Position of the ramp is important for that step. Anyway I think you can solve the shadow by removing double vertices. Let me know if this helps. If not sorry I put my foot in my mouth.:grin:

One ramp coming up.

I’ll give it a try. Thank you!

These are looking awesome! Here is mine:

I had a mistake with the top of my ramp, I took it right to the top block and not to the top step.
So I tried lining up the top of the ramp with the edge of the top step. I still did not like it, so I thought I’d try
playing around with the tools to try and fix. After a little while I came across the merge selection to fix it.

Extruded ramp. Increment and snap tool very fussy… but I added a piece at the bottom creating small face… In other words I improvised! Can’t tell in object mode.

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