Pyramid Ramp Reveal Problem

I am not sure what is going wrong here. I did it just as it was in the video (even remade it 3 times to try again) but it keeps trying to auto fill the gaps or something and leaving my ramp a mess.
I have also tried deleting the faces instead of the edges and get a similar result.

Edit I have even tried deleting the edges before adding the ramp and it still looks the same.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated, thanks in advance =)

Myan2.blend (464.0 KB)

Would you mind uploading your .blend file?

Here is what I found when I deleted the face.

It looks like you may have had too many selections when the face was made which made a floppy ngon. Since there were multiple faces Iā€™m guessing the second one was made by accidentally pressing F again.
These are the vertices to be selected in order to make the ramp:


Those are the exact same vertices that I used. Like I said in the original post, I have completely remade the whole pyramid multiple times and it always turns out that way. It turns out that way as well even if I delete the edges or faces before pressing F to make the ramp.

As you can see in this pic of it Extruded it looks like my ramp has no side edges so its using the pyramids tiered edges instead.

Yes. That is how Ngons work. They are made up of many vertices and edges, but only one face, so they contort the face in order to best fit where the vertices are. Somehow you are selecting the edges of the pyramid risers and making a face out of them. Since the picture does not show which edges were selected I cannot tell you how that is happening.

Myan2.blend (466.4 KB)
I have fixed the file and the face works fine for me.

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Here are the vertices I am using.

and here are the edges I am deleting.

Thank you for taking the time to look at this and help me out. I downloaded and loaded up the fixed version and it loads properly. Could you please tell me what steps you used to fix it?

I did make a gif earlier, but the forum would only display it as an image, so a video will have to do.


AWESOME! Seriously, thank you! That worked perfectly. =D

I still wish I could figure out why its messing up in the first place but now that I can at least fix it I can finally move on. I was spending way too much time tinkering with it because I stubbornly was refusing to give up lol.

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