Pyramid - Mostly Final and Comped

Here’s my pyramid with a couple stock models added in. Rendered in Cycles (1024 samples and some other settings tweaked), lit with an HDRI (left on in the render, since the mountain seemed to fit the scene) plus a custom moonlight lamp. The stock models came with their own textures, and the stone and grass were from my texture library. Admittedly, the grass does not look awesome but I kind of had to put a pin in this one and move on. If I come back to it, I’ll probably add a fog volume or two at ground level.

Slight compositing done in Photoshop (contrast curve and 5% opacity dark black-blue overlay).


The scene is a bit dark for me (texture temple nearly visible).
Also due to the flat ‘colors’.
It’s a pity that the floor isn’t textures also with more details.

Thanks for the comment. Viewing it on my laptop it actually looks a lot darker and more contrasty than it did on my desktop, so I’m wondering if my HDR settings got mucked up? Normally I don’t have this much disparity (and I would hear about it, because my desktop is where I do my client work).

I can barely see the light in the temple, which was the focal point of how I framed the shot. :expressionless:

As for the ground plane, there’s a ton more I could do to layer displacements and add more flora, etc., maybe a particle system for grass, but those aren’t the things I really was looking to practice beyond the small amounts I did them in the scene.

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Same contrast problems here :wink:
When I use a nice tint of grey.
My boss can’t see it on his bright screen. He maxed saturation …

Yeah, dont spend to much time. It’s better to do many projects.

The weird part is that I just did a render of a model of my attic that looks fine on other devices, using similar render settings. The lamps and samples are obviously different, but the important point is that it looks generally the same, value-wise, between my desktop, laptop and phone. :man_shrugging:

Guess I have to do a little digging on what happened.

Yes, this last render looks fine as far as lighting goes. I’m not as experienced with setting up lighting as I would like to be so, unfortunately, I can’t offer any suggestions, but I also have an issue seeing either version of the first render.

Black pyramid at night on a cloudy moonless night! clever stuff. :grin:

Perhaps the viewport render looks better because there is something set differently for a proper render?

No, it’s not the viewport render, it’s the final. I’d have noticed that when I opened it in Photoshop. :joy:

The HDR connection between my display and Windows HD color goes wonky sometimes, so that’s where I’m going to start, I just can’t really investigate it today.

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