Putting him together

View full progress of this project at my repo.

It’s been 3 days since my last update (sounds like I am in confession). The merging of separate object into a single object wasn’t difficult, in either manner. It took me 3+ days to make a bleeping ear. I have a pile of reject ears all over the floor. I finally ended with just having the left ear, roughly sized the cube, reference image on second monitor, and hid the ogre. All I had was the ear cube and messed with it for about 45 minutes. Got something I was mostly happy with. I turned the ogre back on, resized, moved, and rotated the ear until it looked right. A couple of minor shape tweaks to get it to fit the Ogre reference images. Then finally merge and a bit of smoothing at the seam. Points given +1 for getting the job done, +50 in xp because I took so long doing it.


Going well.
Now you will need a ‘pile of ears’ on the floor. :ear:t2: :ear:t2: :ear:t2: :grinning:

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Good progress. The ears are tricky :rofl:

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