Psycho-Horror Room Escape Sketch


Here’s what I sketched (ended up being more complex than I initially thought!):



  • Game Start, player spawns at 6:00
  • Each time the player takes a nap in the bed, the clock advances 6 hours
  • Player image in the mirror changes depending on the time and if he’s medicated or not
  • A message about how the main character is feeling is displayed after looking into the mirror (this serves as hints for the player to think that maybe always checking himself in the mirror may not be a good idea)
  • Cellphone can be picked up and there’s only 1 contact saved
  • Contact answering the phone and messages received change based on player status
  • If the player takes a nap while medicated, he sleeps 12 hours
  • Medicine respawns after each nap

Main Puzzle

  • 1: Be sober at 6:00
  • 2: Do not check yourself in the mirror
  • 4: Nap
  • 5: At 12:00:, take the medicine
  • 6: Call the contact (the bizarre dude answering tells you are an ugly motherfucker)
  • 7: Do not check yourself in the mirror (If you check, phone receives a text message from bizarre dude telling you he was kidding)
  • 8: Nap
  • 9: 00:00: Lights out and phone is ringing
  • 10: Phone must be answered before checking yourself in the mirror
  • 11: At the line is the bizarre dude asserting that you are really ugly, tells you to go see by yourself if you don’t believe him
  • 12: Checks mirror and after some scary spectacle, mirror breaks and reveals the code to input in the exit locker and get out of here


  • Various random visual and sound effects typical of psychological horror genre (demon moans and roars, baby crying, scary visual cues appearing out of nowhere etc), used mainly to distract and trick the player
  • Option to call manual numbers on the phone (some easter eggs perhaps)

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