Projectiles are flopping out of the barrel (simulate physics)

After the exercise of lesson 233. Projectile Movement Component, I got a projectile being fired as expected. I realized that the projectiles weren’t hitting the targets, so I’ve:

  1. added a (simple) collision sphere to the static mesh of my projectile;
  2. in the projectile BP, I’ve set Simulate Physics.
    For some weird reason, now the projectile just flop out of the barrel and roll to the ground.

I’m using UE4 4.24.3 and I am suspecting that it has something to do with Projectile Movement component.

Anyone else had this problem?


Don’t simulate physics on the projectile.

Indeed DanM, I’ll use only collision and overlaps events in the future for damage and animation effects.

Same to me

In projectile.cpp BeginPlay function, add ProjectileMovementComponent->bShouldBounce = true; (not in constructor)


It is better these properties show up on the BP_Projectile blueprint editor like below, but native C++ derived Projectile Movement component doesn’t shows (I don’t know why).


It seems it is better to use standard(added by “Add component” button) projectile component (we shouldn’t create projectile by “C++”) when we create actual game as a product…

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