ProjectileMovement vs ImpactBlast bAutoActivate Warning

Hello Forum,

In this lecture, Ben sets the impact blast to not auto auto activate with the following line inside Projectile.cpp in the constructor, underneath where we create the ImpactBlast subobject.

ProjectileMovement->bAutoActivate= false;

In the next lecture, he corrects this to the following.

ImpactBlast->bAutoActivate= false;

Before moving onto that next lecture, my Unreal Editor crashed during compile and would not reopen BattleTank. Eventually I attached a debugger and it pointed out that original line as the problem. If your unreal is crashing on compile after this lecture, you may be able to fix it as I did by changing “ProjectileMovement” to “ImpactBlast” as Ben will do in the next lecture.

I hope this information helps someone out there.



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