Projectile (not) Stopping on Landscape

Hi Guys,

My projectile has been/still is going through the landscape and not stopping for me to inspect as Ben does in the video.

Did we do something specific in this video to make the projectile stop once it hits the landscape? Or has is been behaving this way for you guys all along?

For some reason my projectile will collide with other tanks but not with the landscape…


I got it working!

Silly me, I had my Static Mesh for the Projectile BP as a chile of the Collision Mesh, and not set in the Collision mesh details itself.

IE… I had:

instead of:

It took me a while to figure out the issue as I still had collision set in both the Collision Mesh and its Child, but since no static mesh was directly attached I guess there was nothing to generate the collision?

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and why CollisionMesh itself don’t go through the landscape. what it has difference from ColoredSpikeBall ?

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