ProjectBoost WIP - GusPM

Just creating a topic to show my progress with the project boost of the course.

Launched the game on as it was asked in the course.
Project_Boost on
Have a try and give me your feedback if possible. =)

Didn’t finished this map yet.

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First level:

Second level:

PS: the music is from youtube, just to give some sound to the recording. hehe =P

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Looking really good so far, I like your models and the background depth. That launch pad is awesome!

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Thanks for the feedback.

The launch pad is an old model i made in 3ds max when i was in to modding for command and conquer generals.
It was suposed to be a low poly supply center for the game. =P

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Third level:

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Launched the game on as it was asked in the course.
Project_Boost on
Have a try and give me your feedback if possible. =)

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Finally got a chance to play. I like all three levels but that last one is definitely the best. I love all the foreground and background detail, the alien structures and the floating drone. Had to keep tapping the thrust key to hover so I could look at it all. Great stuff.

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Working on particles to create eletrical effects:

Test run of the level 3, the old level 3 now is the level 4:

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