Project “Tales of The Forgotten” 1-Page GDD

Project “Tales of The Forgotten” 1-Page GDD
Diablo meets Runescape

Genre: RPG, 3rd person fixed camera. (Diablo, Elder Scrolls, RS)
Target Audience: T for Teen +
Controls: Mouse & Keyboard
Thematic Setting: Medieval fantasy - swords, magic, all rankings of power (knights & more)
Tech Stack: Unity 5+, Blender, Gimp, Audacity
Platform(s): Steam / PC
Game Moment: Great combat in beautiful scenery (multiple locations/ Mountains, Riverside Towns, big towns/ citadels), Weather, Natures effect (Moss, broken down buildings, fallen trees & more)

Sounds sweet dude, I like the focus on environment and atmosphere! With influences like those, I’m excited to see what you create :slight_smile:

@Samuel_F_Begley Thank you :slight_smile: Yeah to me environment, weather and all those things play just as big of a roll as the rest of the game!

Definitely! I like to think of the environment as a character all on its own. Kind of like the how the One Ring in LotR was a character, so too does the environment affect the player

Agreed, that’s a great example lol

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