Project settings cursor is HUGE

I updated the project to 2022.2.20f1 the other day when I resumed working on it…

Doing method one by setting the cursor image in the project settings gives me a huge crosshairs of a cursor:

(I had to take the complete screen as doing just part of it would have hidden the cursor)

I also found an issue in that when I had the screenshot app open it changed the cursor back to the system’s arrow, and when resuming the game the customized cursor was gone…

(To some extent both issues might be special to my system running Kubuntu 20.04…)

Hmmm in the old days, we had to manually scale the cursor by setting it’s max size in the Import dialogue. That’s generally not a problem, though. That being said, I don’t know that this is true in the Linux version.
Locate the cursor and select it, to open the input dialogue. At the bottom of the dialogue, there is a Max Resolution. Change that to either 32x32 or 64x64.

Re-Import is actually not necessary. Setting the Cursor sprite’s Default max texture size in the inspector down to 64 (and the center point in the Editor settings to 32/32 accordingly) forces it to be scaled down and fixes the issue.

Was it mentioned to set the cursor’s size like this and I accidentally skipped over it?

“Locate the cursor and select it, to open the input dialogue” was unfortunately somewhat misleading, partly because of misnaming the import dialogue, partly because it wasn’t clear that you meant the cursor’s image from outside the project again and not just the cursor sprite inside the project. Or maybe I got that part wrong?

You’re right, I meant to say Import Dialogue, which, when you click on the outer object, is where you determine if the texture is a Sprite, a Texture, or a Cursor (or other things we don’t generally use).

I call it the Import Dialogue, but the Inspector is also correct, because that’s when the object is selected, the Inspector becomes the Import Dialogue.

It also didn’t help that I was writing that reply on my laptop, not my main computer (which is the one with all the copies of the course projects and Unity are).

When you change the default Max Texture Size, the image is re-imported. The original full scale image is still in assets, but a scaled down version is also created, which is the cursor. Even though my directions were admittedly unclear, you found your way to the right spot and set the size correctly. Well done!

I’m sorry I wasn’t as clear as I should have been on that one.

Actually on the finalizing the section lesson the issue came up and was dealt with… :slight_smile:

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