Project Realm Rush!

I’ve had a blast with Realm Rush and I’m just so happy with the look of my version that I wanted to show it off for those who don’t want to deal with hassle of playing it themselves.

Thanks Gary and for the amazing courses.


This is awesome. I love the fact that you’ve taken it in your own direction, using your own game mechanics, and it seems like a different game to the course material.

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Thanks so much! I really wanted to make something that felt my own. I’m actually still working on this in order to turn it into a bigger experience!

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Really nice looking game!

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Thanks so much @Yee

I actually am working on this one with a group now!

I also recently started redoing my glitch garden project with my own assets. If you are interested you can check it out at the link below!

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@FunkCrusader I just played all the games you have uploaded to itch, they are really cool, amazing job.

I did find some “bugs” (not sure if you can call them bugs) in Food Fight. Some of the UI appears behind the units.

Also, your milk carton character remind me of this: Blur - Coffee And TV (Official Music Video) - YouTube

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@Yee Thanks so much! I actually just tried your new tower defense on itch and I loved your mechanic of switching defenders on and off! Great idea to bring some new life to the genre!

Also I appreciate you spotting that bug, I am setting up a tutorial and polishing all of the ui next and I’ll be sure to make sure the sorting layers are set up properly thanks to you :slight_smile:

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