Project Individual Elements HELP Blender 4.0

Howdy, I’m going through the Complete Blender Creator 3 course using Blender 4.0, and on the Snapping lesson is says to toggle “Project Individual Elements” went selecting multiple objects. It’s not in the same place in Blender 4.0 it seems. Any help with where this option would be?

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Blender has a new improved snapping system.
I suspect that means those options are seen as not needed now.

This explains well.


You need to click face project. That should be the same thing.

The option was moved to the menu in the bottom left corner

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AH! Thanks. Though it was just removed. Not that I can recall ever using it!


oi, eu uso o Blender a cerca de uma semana e estou precisando usar o Project Individual Eelement, só nao lembro como abrir esse menu MOVE. se alguem puder me ajudar ainda essa semana ficarei muito grato.

Thank you everyone for your help! I hadn’t had a chance to come back to this in a bit, but now I know where to look. :slight_smile:


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