Project “Episode” 1-Page GDD
A Dragonball Z game w/ Shadow of Mordor-like combat

Genre: 3rd person action game w/ RPG elements
Target Audience: Shonen anime fans, T for Teen
Controls: Mouse & Keyboard
Thematic Setting: Upbeat “sci-fi” fantasy (emphasis on the fiction rather than the science)
Tech Stack: Unity, Blender, GIMP, FL Studio
Platform(s): Steam, maybe consoles later
Game Moment: Fighting a horde of demon robots w/ two basic melee attacks, two ranged attacks, and high-powered versions of those while some intense jams play
Game Summary: Project Episode is an interactive Shonen anime-esque story with RPG stats and high-mobility freeform combat inspired by Shadow of Mordor and Armored Core V. Players take control of a small roster of superhumans assembled by God to restore justice to the world. The game is broken down into episodes, each consisting of a segment of linear, open-world, or non-conventional gameplay that ends with the advancement of the plot. For instance, a character might fight his way to a boss during one episode and lose to the boss due to the player’s lack of skill; the player will then take control of another character in order to rescue the defeated one in the next episode, rather than simply being forced to restart the level.
Core Player Experience: Intense, Dramatic, Entertaining
Central Theme: An alliance of fighters seeking God and justice.
Design Pillar: Dynamic “Episode” system facilitates gameplay variety while advancing story goals
Anticipated Remarkability: Gameplay-story integration
Anticipated Steam Early Access Launch date: Summer 2019!
Feature Development Priorities:
Combat - melee and ranged attacks, movement, combat Enhancers (press a button while attacking and all your normal attacks change)
Enemies - cannon fodder, mini-bosses, bosses
Characters w/ stats, levelling and unique Enhancers and abilities
Levels built around combat & the Episode system
Comparative Products: Asura’s Wrath, Dragon Ball Xenoverse, Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor