Project could not be compiled try rebuilding from source manually

How do i fix these errors?
I have tried deleting .vs, saved, Intermidate etc and the .sln file multiple times and rebuilding. Theres no syntax errors in the code but i still get the errors (Error E0963 + E0077 + #Include error). But how do i fix Error E1696 and MSB3073? I have tried to rename the project and idk how to generate the Character.generated.h source file. And i have no idea to fix Error MSB3073.

Could you show your Project_XCharacter.h?

Constructor can’t be void i guess.

It’s should be just:


Also (But im not sure this is important) you are missing macro at class Declaration in .h .

It’s should be like:

class YourProjectName_API AProject_XCharacter : public ACharacter

Also you should declare your SpringArm and Camera in the private section but i don’t think this is a problem for a compiler. ;D

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So i did have syntax errors lol, thanks men

Now i get this enormous list of errors, Would i be able to solve it by reinstalling ue4 or visual studio? The errors only in the default header files from ue4

I dont think reinstalation is needed, visual studio is bugging from time to time like this.

Just delete the changes (i think removing this macro will repair it or just reopen visual studio and see if its working.

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