Project Boost!

Well, I think I’m finally ready to put a pin in my Project Boost. Let me know what you guys think! I ended up making only three levels but they are a bit longer.
Here is my link, let me know what you guys think!

Thanks guys!


That is really cool, i like the overall loock :slight_smile:

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I like the asteroids and the way the light reflects off them in the first scene. Took me about 30 tries to finish the first scene but it still felt rewarding.

A couple of the barriers in the 3rd scene were almost invisible on my monitor. Maybe a spot light source on the top of the ship that made them visible when you get close would be cool?

And you handled the arrow keys! A few of the sample I played were almost unplayable left handed.

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Thanks so much for playing all the way through! I thought perhaps no one would see my secret volcano level! I definitely could have tweaked the obstacles to create a more enjoyable experience. An extra light on the ship is a great idea!

Nice work! It’s fun to play. I was a little confused though about why I blew up for hitting the top barrier of the screen, since there’s nothing there indicating you can’t fly up there. But I like the rocks that grow and fly across the screen.

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Weird, I guess my system is the anomaly. On my screen there really isn’t a situation where you can’t see the upper barrier. I will try lightening it up in any future builds. I guess that’s why the playtest process is so important for QC. Thanks so much for your feedback and for trying my project boost!

@GameProgrammer2k @Maya_Carter Thanks for tips! I added a light source to the ship to improve obstacle visibility but I still wasn’t happy with it so I changed the material of the ceiling in level 3. Thanks again :slight_smile:

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Very cool
1st level is amazing, I spent 30 min on it :slight_smile:

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Thanks so much for playing! I appreciate your kind words :smile:

wicked! well done xxx jess

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Amazing work! I really liked the “game moment” of the 3rd level.

One small and easy modification I think could improve the gameplay is increasing the thrust power - the controls would be more “responsive”, making it easier to not crash into walls or (SPOLERS!) volcano debris.

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The game was enjoyable, I finished the entirety of it, I just think the first level should be the last, that level is by far the most challenging, it took my like 50 tries or so, I don’t even know, it took me way too long to beat, meanwhile the other two I was able to finish them in a couple of tries.

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@Jonmartz Thanks so much for the feedback! I tweaked the gravity and thrust power a lot but I kept going back and forth on the right feel to it. I will definitely take your feedback under consideration when I revisit Project Boost! Thanks for mentioning the Volcano !

@Yee Thanks so much for playing all the way through! I definitely agree that the difficulty is unbalanced. I confess to have spent a much longer period of time on the first level than the rest. My main focus with the second two levels was to show the same area but changed due to the volcanic eruption.

Its fun and atmospheric. That giant meteoride really scared me the first time! Nice work

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Really good looking game. Did you make your assets in unity directly? The lightning and everything looks great.

It’s really challenging!

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@zerokanada Thanks a ton, I actually got all of the assets for free from unity’s marketplace or aside from that it’s all lighting effects, etc.

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Thanks for the reply. Your game really does look very good :smiley:

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Thanks so much. I’m working on Realm Rush now and am creating all of my own assets this time. I can’t wait to share what I’ve made with the community!

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Its been really cool to see first allow wing, now this one.

Very excellent level designing! Both the visual and the difficulty is great(though I only got to the end of the first level)

Great job, looking forward to seeing more.

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