Project Boost using BOLT

Hey guys,

i was following along the project Boost section and instead of writing scripts, i tried to do it with Bolt.
It also seems to be working so far, except when i try to make a WEBGL Build. Most parts of the game is working fine, however the oscillator script/graph won’t do anything.
If i export a computer / mac version, all works fine.

Does anybody have some ideas or experience with that ?
I already tried the AOT-Prebuild.

Unfortunately WebGL is extraordinarily buggy, there are a lot of things that doesn’t work properly, like the Line Render component, it’s infuriating and there’s no easy way to fix any of this issues other than, maybe, changing the Unity version you are working on.

If you want to fix that I suggest going into the Unity forums, but it might take you some time to find an answer and to fix the issue.

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Alrighty. Thanks for your response. And yes, changing the version has ausmalt impact. Like unity 2019…f I wasn’t able to get a Web go build to work at all. With the 2020 version 90% of it works at least. Unity is great, but it’s a pity they have more and more lose ends and buggy versions or Workflows.

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