Project Boost first lvl

Had fun doing this one. Decided to go ahead and venture out and do a couple more things. The bouncing balls wasn’t that hard to figure out but took me a min to figure out how to use Mathf.Ping.pong for the cubes up top haha. The design of the lvl isn’t like super impressive but that’s fine.

Edit: Game completed.


Amazing bro!

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Thanks! :slight_smile:

You said “The design of the level isn’t like super impressive”. Well, I think it is! It is an amazing level!! Waiting to play it! Good work.


Oh well thank you. I really appreciate that. :grin:

Watching this makes me really wanna play it :star_struck:

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I love what you have done with the buildings :slight_smile:

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Thank you :). I finished lvl 1 and it looks way better imo. I’m currently working on lvl 2 but I got slowed up because I was adding a couple more features that I thought would be a little more fun. Just took me a bit to figure out how to do it lol.

2nd lvl completed. I’ll be working on the 3rd tomorrow. Can’t wait to publish the game on the sharemygame site :smiley:

Game completed.

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Pretty nice level design! Good job :smiley:

Amazing job! I have some feedback.

Personally I think the controls need a lot of tweaking, the rotation feels a little off and having to press W instead of space makes the game way harder than it should be, it’s just not comfortable.


This is a super fun game. I think a nice improvement woudl be to have the background music persist between restarts. Sometimes it can be a bit jarring when the music starts over from the top after the level reloads, having persistant background music would improve the immersion imo

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Thanks for the feedback. I’ll keep it in mind for sure! :slight_smile: I’m gonna probably be reloading it eventually because I noticed some bugs that didn’t come up till I uploaded it.

Yeah, that would help for sure. Only issue is I used a music clip that my nephew made and it’s only about 35ish sec long. For future games I’ll get him to create me a longer one haha.

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Wow, this looks great!

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Tyvm :slight_smile:

That is amazing just truly amazing

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