Project BlindSide - Looking for Artist(s)

My name is Emanuel and I am currently working on a demo for a video game I would like to fully complete in the future. I am a game designer and learning some coding as well through GameDev.

Alongside studying for now I am looking to have a working demo that will allow me to show case or pitch the idea in the future, but also to test run the feel and look of the game, to iron out some of the kinks and to have a playable demo that can really show how the game feels and plays.

With this in mind I am looking for one or two illustrators to create a storyboard that shows the events of the demo and about 8 to 10 character and environment art pieces to set the tone of the game.

I would like to have these art pieces completed by the end of February if possible but not essential. You will be credited for your work and who knows where this may take us!

So far I already have a Sound Designer on board for the game and will be looking to recruit a character designer, level designer and a coder in the near future.

It goes without saying I am looking for people who can commit to creating something and you will have full credit for your collaboration, I like to work with people who care about their work just as much as I care for mine.

If you are interested, please email me some of your work or if you have a link to your portfolio would be cool. I am looking for volunteers and for people to get involved but if any revenue gets generated from this project this will be shared accordingly.

Project: BlindSide
Engine: Unreal
Project Time: as long as it takes
Art needed: Story Board
Art needed: 8 to 10 Character and Environment illustrations
My email:

Have an awesome video game filled Christmas and hope to be collaborating with you in 2019!!

All the best

Emanuel Vieira

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