Project "Base Assault" 1 Page GDD

Project “Base Assault” 1 Page GDD
4/2X Hack n’ Slash

Genre: RPG, 3rd Person Fixed Camera RPG
Target Audience: T for Teen
Controls: Mouse & Keyboard
Thematic Setting: Medieval Fantasy - Sword and Sorcery, Low Magic
Tech Stack: Unity 2017+, Paint.Net, Audacity
Platform(s): PC
Game Moment: Defeat a few mobs of enemy forces and destroy the enemy Outpost Building

Game Summary: Take over an abandoned city before the other faction(s) do, city block by city block.

Core Player Experience:
Central Theme:
Design Pillar:
Anticipated Remarkability:

Anticipated Steam Early Access Launch date:

Feature Development Priorities:

Comparative Products: Dynasty Warriors, Sim Ant, Total War

This is a video game implementation of The Angry DM’s Project Slaughterhouse system, extended to allow for automatic expansion by factions as well as giving the player a faction of their own. One way to think of the gameplay would be like a Dynasty Warriors’ map, but broken up so that each Control Point is it’s own medium size map and the Player is the only mobile General.
Project Slaughterhouse is a simple system where you can give simple rules to a node based dungeon crawl where there’s an ebb and flow for NPC faction area control.

Short version:
There are four types of zones:

  • Lair (1 per faction. If this is taken over, the faction is destroyed)
  • Outpost (area claimed by a faction)
  • Contested (1 or more faction are vying for this area)
  • Unclaimed (no factions are currently vying for this faction)

Triggers can downgrade Outposts and lower (Lairs can only be destroyed).
In general, triggers are “Kill X points of Faction members (weaker monsters are worth less points) without leaving the area”. Most Outposts and Lairs have more explicit triggers (“Kill <Specific Faction member(s)>” or “Destroy Outpost Building”) that will also downgrade it.

Development Plan:

  1. Make one static Outpost Map (the course will walk me through this)
  2. Make five static connected maps: Enemy Lair - Enemy Outpost - Enemy/Player Contested - Player Outpost - Player Lair (the course will walk me through this)
  3. Introduce the ability to downgrade the Enemy areas: Enemy Outpost -> Enemy Contested -> Unclaimed, Enemy Lair -> Unclaimed. Each area will be a different scene/map, with a controlling state deciding which version to load.
  4. Introduce the ability to upgrade Player areas: Unclaimed -> Player Contested -> Player Outpost
  5. Add in more Unclaimed Nodes
  6. Introduce a simple way for Enemy Lairs and Outposts to upgrade neighboring areas (Unclaimed or Enemy/Player Contested -> Enemy Contested -> Enemy Outpost)
  7. Introduce a simpler way for Player Lairs and Outposts to update neighboring areas without the player’s involvement: (Unclaimed -> Player Contested -> Player Outpost)
  8. Introduce a simple way for Factions’ Lairs and Outposts to downgrade neighboring areas they don’t control: A/B Contested -> Contested, Outpost -> A/B Contested, Contested -> A/B Contested
  9. Rebuild “game” to have multiple Factions and bigger map.
  10. Play as any Faction
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