Procedural Content Generation


I’m following here, any news about this ?

I would love to see this integrated in Unity 2.0 course especially procedural generation like we saw in popular games like Star Citizen / Infinity Universe / Elite Dangerous where we can see whole procedural galaxy, planets, terrains. Not especialy fps level generation or voxel based games.

Thanks in advance!

Suggest we roll this into Maths for Games - A Fresh Start for Mathematics


Does this have been rolled into?
I’m upvoting here because it’s still one of my concern.
With Unreal Engine 5 out, could this be a better moment to dive in procedural content, different types of LODs, massive open worlds and galaxies?

Who knows what GameDev.TV could prepare for us on the background! :slight_smile:

It would be awesome if this course idea, or maybe the 3rd person combat course could include some procedural animation.

Ideas for the course to include:

  1. Foot placement on uneven terrain with inverse kinematics (possibly with more than 2 legs)
  2. Animation rigging

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