Probuilder missing "Build" button

I am just starting on using ProBuilder and also checked the docs, but can’t seem to find the problem.

I don’t get a “Build” button (or any kind of equivalent) in the “Create Shape” menu:


Am I missing something stupid? I cannot get this to create a cylinder! Whenever I hover over something, in most places I also get “Legacy overlay” rather than a tooltip - not sure if this is normal!

Unity version: 2022.1.3f1
ProTools Version: 5.0.6

Any help appreciated.

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Hi Archeon,

Maybe you are experiencing a bug in your version of Unity. Have you already tried to update?

What is “Legacy overlay”? Could you share a screenshot of what you mean?

So I found a workaround - I was able to create the shape in the world (similar to a poly shape by clicking in the world), then can use the settings to modify that shape.

Hopefully this helps anyone who comes into the same problem.

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