Problems with aiming animations

@sampattuzzi I’m having weird animations. While looking up and down, on the center it’s the normal hip rifle animation but on the up and down it’s doing the thing that it was doing in the last video when the speed was zero. It was also the case with my animations in the previous video. I thought that the issue would get fixed but it didn’t. I followed you exactly but the result is the same. I get the same thing while standing still.


P.S: AimOffset is fine

Do I have the issue in the video or in my final state project?

Maybe, @DanM has some suggestions?

You probably used the wrong animation to create the offsets with. Also the offets (3rd screenshot) aren’t at -90 and 90

It was a problem with my project. I don’t know what I did wrong. I archived the project from your Ripo and it’s working fine. Thanks for taking you time and replying. Now I’m having an issue with the LFS or Not to LFS lecture. after loading the map with correcting CDOs the meshes in the map are gone in the world but present in the world editor. The only things that are present are the ones that I added(Target points, Gaurds, PlayerStart and Spiral Stairs). Any Idea what could be wrong?

@DanM That might’ve been the case but it’s too late now I deleted my project and archived the project from @sampattuzzi Git Ripo.

Thank you for taking your time and helping me with this guys. :slight_smile:

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