Problems Uploading my Project boost game

Hello all,

I am having trouble uploading the project boost. I have tried both drag and zip, but both have resulted in error messages. Any thought on how to fix this?

Thank you,

Hi Weiprecht,

Did you zip the entire WebGL build folder? Do not just upload the index.html or a subfolder.

Hello Nina,
Thank you for your help, Yes I uploaded the WebGL folder in its entirety. I followed the instructions and disabled the GZIP. I tried dragging and uploading, but neither worked. Is there a limit to the size of the file? Any thoughts? I provided a GIF and clip to help.

Thank you,

Can you show all of the files inside those folders? It’s really hard to see what’s really going on on the surface.

Thank you for your help.

Here is what is in the main build.

Here is the build file:

Here is the template file:

Try to upload the content of the Ceres Project folder. That should work. Hopefully. If it does not, double click on the index.html to test the game locally in your browser.

Sorry. It did not work. I did a build and run and the game works fine. No matter what I try, I continue to get errors. Any other thoughts are welcome. I never had these problems uploading terminal hacker, so I’m not sure what is happening. Is there a size limitation?

Thank you,

Everything looks normal but the one thing that I noticed is that it’s using javascript instead of unityweb on yours, I’m not sure how you change that in the settings but maybe something to do with it?

Thank you. I don’t think planet hopper is mine. Here is my file. I see the Java script, but I am not sure how it got in there. I do not use Java script.


Yeah that one is my project, but I’m not sure either, I think it’s trying to run the project in javascript cause browsers use that but it just seems odd.

I sent a note to tech support. I’ll let you know if they come up with a solution.

Alright thank you.

I don’t think the upload problem has anything to do with Java script. The terminal hacker game also had Java and was able to upload without a problem.

Is there any chance that some of the assets I uploaded could impact my ability to upload the web game?

I have used the unity terrain builder and a free asteroid pack. Thoughts?

I still have not heard back from Simmer.

Hi @Weiprecht,

How are you getting on with this? Have you recently tried to upload one of your Unity games again? Did it work?

Thank you Nina for the follow up. No I was never able to upload it to webGL. I was, however, able to create a build for Windows that worked fine. Its too bad WebGL’s support never followed up.

Thank you,

It said to point to the build folder when i did this… and it also then looks for the index.html file in that folder to verify

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