

So I (surprisingly) :roll_eyes: encountered another problem…

When I am in object mode, my numbers on the top are consistent with the lecture, 20 verts, 16 faces, 28 tris, 5 objects. However…
when I toggle edit mode, after deselecting all, I only see the stats for one cube, so it gives me 6 verts, 9 edges etc. I also cannot in that mode select 2 vertices in the same location, since it seems to only recognize one cube…

Even when I toggle (de)select all, only one cube remains selected and only the vertices for that cube are listed…

If, in edit mode, I select all three “cubes” via the object tree (right upper) then it does give me all vertices, however,it then reverts back to object mode, see screenshot

I have tried relaunching blender and recreating the “periscope” from scratch, but same problem keeps occurring…

Having only one of multiple objects available for “editing” is how Blender works. What I usually do is select all objects in the Outliner window (Object Tree as you called it), and then in the left Toolbar under Edit, click on the Join button. That will turn the 3 objects into one object in the Outliner window. This can also be accomplished with Ctrl + J.

Then when you go back to Edit node, you’ll be able to access all Verts, Edges and Faces.

Hope that helps.

Thank you for the reply, however…
when I did this it DID allow me to select the vertices and edges, BUT…

Even after literally deleting and redrawing every single face and edge, I still have apparently 17 vertices… :thinking:

OK, don’t feel bad, I had 20 Verts after I had all 3 pieces joined. What you need to do next is select each set of Verts (see my screenshot below), and click Alt + M and choose At Center. That will merge the 2 selected Verts into 1. Do that for all 4 sets of Verts around the top of the cube, and then do the same for all 4 sets of Verts around the bottom of the cube. Then you should be left with only 12 Verts.

Nope, that’s the problem, there are no 2 verts that can be merged, since I literally deleted each single edge in the entire program and reformed it from scratch. I did that equally with every single face.

As you can see, I deleted and replaced each single edge. There are 7 edges that seem to be visible nowhere but are still counted… And this is when I only focus on the edges.

Ohhhhhh, I thought you were working with the original meshes.

As far as the edges you can’t see, have you tried zooming back a far distance and then trying to select all. It’s very possible they’re there and somehow got moved out of view. One thing about Blender’s “stage” (as it were), it’s huuuuuge compared to what we normally see in the viewport when we’re working up close while editing a mesh.

Other than that, I don’t know what else to suggest.

if I do that it only selects 1 cube (bottom left) but shows it has selected 19 edges (top)… I’m stumped.

OK, one other thing I just thought of. Go into Vert edit mode (the button to the left of the Edge edit mode you have selected in that screenshot). What may have happened when you were deleting Edges was you didn’t delete the corresponding Verts that go with them. If you see Verts in places along the Edges that are visible, you can select those unnecessary Verts and “dissolve” them. You do that by selecting the unnecessary Verts, and hitting the Delete key, and then in the menu that pops up, select Dissolve Vertices. (See screenshot below.)

This should get rid of the extra Verts and the extra Edges you are seeing at the top of the Blender workspace.

So I restarted from scratch and did not include the second cube. s you can see, this worked. Different approach, same result, and I had some shortcut key practice. phew…

Miss_B, thank you very much for the efforts and replies!

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