Problem with the Inset function (Bowling Ball)

I’m trying to apply Inset to holes in my bowling ball. It worked well for one of the holes:


However, when I try to do exactly the same thing for other two holes it just doesn’t work. I press “I” and here’s what I see:

I tried to play with the left menu, checking boxes\changing the thickness. When I left-click to apply changes nothing happens.

What am I doing wrong?

Thats certainly odd have you ensured that you havent created doubles accidentally?
Could you check that and if there are none can you upload the file?

Although it might pay to restart this point and see if you can see what went wrong. I dont suggest deleting this file just start a new and see if you can get it to reoccur.

Hi, thanks for your quick answer =)

  1. I’ve pressed “Remove Doubles”, there were no doubles to delete.

  2. I’ve restarted Blender a few times. Than I’ve restarted my computer. Still nothing)

  3. I’ve created a new file. The funny thing is that the Inset function works for triangles and doesn’t work for hexagons or tetragons ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t know if it helps, but I just remembered that when I tried to highlight the circles I couldn’t make a loop for the first circle (and the Inset function works fine there).ball.blend (733.8 KB)

I was able to inset the faces in your file by doing this:

  1. Switch to face select mode (you’re in edge select mode now)
  2. Select the six faces inside the circle
  3. Press ‘i’ to inset.

I noticed your other finger hole is looking a bit strange, though. Not sure how it happened, but you seem to have some faces which are overlapping each other. That might give you some funkiness when you go to extrude the holes inward.

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Thanks @Tyger2 Hope this helps solve it for them and thanlks for chipping in to help, Its cool seeing students help other students :slight_smile:

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Thank you, it worked!))

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