PROBLEM with my Pyramids

Hey guys! I finished lecture 3 and I wanted to play around with adding new material to things so I chose the mayan Pyramids project from lecture 2 and gave it some new colours. Now I have a problem. It seems that my two Pyramids which I made with the “array” function are linked to each other. I selected only the Pyramide which is completly red (in the picture) and some other parts of the other pyramid changed colour too. Is there a way so that I can make them seperatly that I can change colour from both individually. To break the link between these two Pyramids. Sorry for my bad english guys. I appreciate your help.

{Solved} Select both pyramid in edit view and Wireframe Mode and press Pkey and Then seprate by loose parts it will create two seprate objects. Edit Thier Names In Outline… And all done… U May Have to remove for Material and add it again.

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