Problem with Line of Sight

I have a problem with Line of Sight,

my code :

func Player_is_in_LOS():
	var space = get_world_2d().direct_space_state
	var LOS_obstacle = space.intersect_ray(global_position, Player.global_position, [self], collision_mask)

	var distance_to_player = Player.global_position.distance_to(global_position)
	var Player_in_range = distance_to_player < MAX_DETECTION_RANGE
	if LOS_obstacle.collider == Player and Player_in_range:
		return true
		return false

I added additional line to see what is obstacle


and when light hit the player I see output:

Player is on Player Layer and Player Mask ,
SecurityCam is on SecurityCam Layer and Player and Wall Mask,

I check it hounded of times

What can I check more? Any ideas ?

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