Problem With Iris

So I tried my best to follow and I’ve been trying to get it as close as possible to Mike’s but I seem to have done something wrong. Materials aren’t my strong suite.

Any ideas as to where I should look for a solution to this? If I pull out the iris that rough texture disappears but the iris will then be popping out of the head.

Hi @Callaforification,

What is that upper texture node which contains non-color data? You are connecting color output (R,G,B) to a factor (single value). This can work but I don’t know what your textures are. Lower is probably the iris diffuse texture of some kind?

Cheers, Jax

The top texture is the mask which is just a white background and a black dot covering the area where the iris is on the eyeball. It is actually on the right of the picture attached to this thread. However, I did end up fixing the problem by rearranging the mesh size as can be seen:

When I get a proper chance I’ll fix up the eyes properly by resizing the iris and making the mask dot smaller as the iris pattern keeps repeating all over the iris area.

Hi again,

You don’t need to scale the mask texture in photo editing tool. You can use vector-> mapping node with UV input to scale the UVs. This is much easier :slight_smile:

Cheers, Jax

Huh, cool, must’ve missed that. Thanks :smiley:

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No worries! Good that I could help you!

Cheers, Jax

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