Problem with Imported Images

I reinstalled Windows and Blender.

Before the reinstallation the imported images were shown normal. In this case the Lunar Lander.
After reinstallation instead of the images I get this pink … thing.
I tested at 2 other PC’s and it is the same problem.

When I first imported the “pin reference” I had exactly the same problem on the other 2 PC’s but I thought it was something I did wrong so I didnt search it any further.

But now I cannot Study. It seems like there was something with my old setup that was working only on that PC. When setup was gone … The End.

Does anybody have any idea what is going on ?


Objects or images appear pink when Blender can no longer find the texture file that you used. It can happen if you move your .blend file without moving the texture image with it.

You can re-import your image in the Material Properties tab. Under the base colour there is the name of your image texture, click on the folder icon and select the image you intended to use.

If you are missing the image that you imported as reference (empty) then you can find the same folder icon in the Object Data Properties tab.


@Cathy_N has given a good suggestion.

Another way of doing it is to go to File > External Data > Find Missing Files (screenshot attached) and then select the folder you have kept all the data for the project.

It should also solve the issue!


You can also attach all external images to your .blend file. This way your file will be much larger but you won’t have to worry about the missing images. From my personal experience, I think it’s better to make sure you keep your files organised rather than packing huge textures into your projects as they will occupy twice as much space on your pc.


I tried both approaches. They both worked.

Thank you two for the answers and the great help ! ! !


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