Problem with animation

insteed of stopping after one attack my animation plays through the whole Time between attacks time (i call it attackspeed in my code here) i followd the code and everything else is working. any idea why this is happening?

link to video:

and my fighter code

public class Fighter : MonoBehaviour, IAction
        private Transform _target;
        private ActionScheduler _actionScheduler;
        private Mover _mover;
        private Animator _animator;
        private float timeSinceLastAttack;
        public float weponRange=2;
        public float attackSpeed = 3;

        private void Start()
            _mover = GetComponent<Mover>();
            _actionScheduler = GetComponent<ActionScheduler>();
            _animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

        private void Update()
                timeSinceLastAttack += Time.deltaTime;
                if (_target==null) return;
                if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position,_target.transform.position)>weponRange)

        //public void Move()

        public void AttackBehaviour()
            if (timeSinceLastAttack>attackSpeed)
                timeSinceLastAttack = 0;

        public void Hit()

        public void Attack(CombatTraget combatTraget)
            _target = combatTraget.transform;

        public void Cancel()

Check to make sure that your animation isn’t set to loop.

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