Problem with Alpha

Trying to do the house thing, I seem to have a problem with transparency.
If you make a mistake on a layer with transparency, how do you draw in “transparent” - i.e. I want to get rid of a pixel and can’t quite seem how to do it, despite clicking like a maniac on every button I can see

Any ideas?

(I’ll post this in the Q & A thing on Udemy as well, just in case)

The Erase tool, found in the toolbar, hotkey Shift+E, is effectively a paintbrush or pencil which “draws in transparency” (or, on layers without transparency, draws in the assigned Background colour).

Be sure to check “Hard Edged” in the Tool Options panel if you want to delete pixels with precision; without that checked, it’s a soft paintbrush, with it checked, it’s more like the Pencil tool.

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Brilliant Thanks

Also, apologies all for spoilers for the next lecture :slight_smile:

MENU color > color to alpha

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