Problem when passing between scenes

When i pass throw a portal and go to the next scene this warning appear, what can cause this problme? i’ve checked others questions but i’ve not found nothing that solve my problem…

Failed to create agent because it is not close enough to the NavMesh
UnityEngine.StackTraceUtility:ExtractStackTrace ()
RPG.Movement.Mover:RestoreState (object) (at Assets/Scripts/Movement/Mover.cs:98)
RPG.Saving.SaveableEntity:RestoreState (object) (at Assets/Scripts/Saving/SaveableEntity.cs:36)
RPG.Saving.SavingSystem:RestoreState (System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2<string, object>) (at Assets/Scripts/Saving/SavingSystem.cs:82)
RPG.Saving.SavingSystem:Load (string) (at Assets/Scripts/Saving/SavingSystem.cs:33)
RPG.SceneManagement.SavingWrapper:Load () (at Assets/Scripts/Scene Management/SavingWrapper.cs:46)
RPG.SceneManagement.Portal/d__8:MoveNext () (at Assets/Scripts/Scene Management/Portal.cs:48)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)

This is caused by an internal race condition, and is generally nothing to worry about. On the next frame, an agent is created and gameplay resumes normally.
If there is an issue where this message is spammed (stacking quickly to 999+) then there is another issue, but most often you can ignore the message.

Are your characters moving normally after the scene change is complete?

yes, everything is normal, i was curious if there is a way to not have this warning

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