[Problem] Selecting the Main Cube


Maybe I’m missing something really simple, so I apologies if that’s the case, but in the lecture to lock the cube’s together using the Snapping Tool and vertices, the cubes will lock in Object Mode, but in Edit Mode, the main cube disappears. It is visible, but box grab, circle grab, or select all won’t take a vertices, edge or face. It just pretends it’s not there. I cannot even right click the edges.

If you delete any new cubes, it starts working again, until you add a cube, and then it won’t work. If you add 2x Cubes, the first doesn’t work (original default cube) but the two new ones are fine.

EDIT: I tried opening and closing a new file, and shutting down blender and the PC.

What am I missing?


My guess is you didn’t join them. Take another look at the video in the 3:40 to 3:50 area


Tell me if I’m wrong but you did the following, right ?

  1. Create a new cube in Object mode
  2. Snap it to the “basic” cube
  3. Switch to edit mode
  4. Try to grab the basic cube

(You can switch step 2 and 3 it doesn’t matter.)

If you did that, my guess would be that you are working on the second cube (not the basic) in edit mode and you try to select the basic cube (still in edit mode).
But you can’t because (as far as I know) in edit mode you can only edit the object you are working on, thus select only its vertices/edges/faces/… and not that of others.

One of the solution would be, as said before, to join the two cubes (select them in object mode) so they act as one object and you would then edit an object made of two cubes.

The reason why, when you create a third cube, you can select either the second or the third cube is the same :stuck_out_tongue: Because when creating the third, you are still in edit mode, editting the second cube. When done so the two cubes act as one object (even if separated). You can check that in the outliner panel if you see only one line for the two cubes (2nd and 3rd) :slight_smile:

I hope to have made myself clear and being understood. :sweat_smile:

Cheers !

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