Problem running unreal engine editor 4.22.3

I’ve tried to run the unreal engine editor but the message below comes up. can someone help me? Do need to install a new video card?

I found this . Their suggestion was to try installing an earlier version of Unreal. What graphics card does your computer have?

I appreciate your help. The type of the graphics card is : Mobile Intel ® 4 series Express chipset Family( Microsoft corporation-WDDM1.1)
maybe i should try to install an older version like UE 4.17

Yeah you could do that but I’m wondering if you should try upgrading your graphic cards drivers first? Take a look at this video and see what you think. In the video he’s trying to run OpenGL but maybe all you are needing is a driver update.

He also gives this link that is a little more descriptive.

Thank you for your help. I successfully installed the driver Mobile Intel ® 4 series Express chipset Family V2, but unfortunately I got the same error.
Maybe I should try the driver Intel ® HD graphics Family .

actually, t got another error message

Looks like you just need to install DirectX. Here’s a link I found on how to do that

After installing the driver Mobile Intel ® series Express chipset Family V2, I obtained a blurry screen. I fixed it by restoring the previous driver.
I uninstalled UE 4.22.3 and installed UE 4.18.3. the good news is that I did not get any error message during the process of launching the editor, but at the end of the process, I got the message below. UE crashes.
I think my GPU is not powerful enough to handle the editor. I have an old laptop :grinning:

Good job going through all of those steps. Here are minimum system requirements.

Operating System Windows 10 64-bit
Processor Quad-core Intel or AMD, 2.5 GHz or faster
Memory 8 GB RAM
Video Card/DirectX Version DirectX 11 or DirectX 12 compatible graphics card

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