Problem - One arm is moving away

The problem is one of the arms moves away from the armature when I am checking it and moving it around. Also when I let go of the grab either With esc (to go back) or click to put it in another Place the arm goes haywire and moves to a comletely different Place.
I tried to apply the Mirror modifier and that seemed to work, but when I went to pose it in the next section it went haywire again.

Fixed the problem - Clear the parent of the stem and lower arm then aplly the Mirror modifier.

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I spoke to @Anette_Bratvold on facebook with regards to this and if the lecture could be adjusted in any way to make it any clearer.
I took the liberty of copying and pasting her reply so it didnt get lost oin the facebook posts which can happen.

Anette Bratvold Maybe it would be benefitial for future students to be told to apply the mirror modifier so they don’t have this problem for the next couple of videos.

Is this feasible?


Yes I have captured this amendment to the video so a fix will be on it’s way in my next round of video updates.

ETA for the fix <2Weeks


Lecture has now been updated to include both application of mirror modifier and any object transforms too.

Thanks for the feedback :slight_smile:


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