Problem: Mayan pyraid, normals flipped

I am having trouble flipping the normals of my mayan pyramid. This was from the lesson on loop cuts, when our challenge was to create two parallel loop cuts on our mayan pyramid. I followed along, so I have that part done, but my mayan pyramid looks like this (picture below) and I don’t know how to fix the normals. Any help would be appreciated.


This is a not uncommon problem I suspect. Just differently found and shown up.

Effectively the hashing reveals overlapping geometry, faces.

Think like curtains drawn past their meeting point and over the opposite one. Or crossed fingers.
Your left side loop cut needs to be dragged to the place the right one is at and the right one to where the left one is.

That will sort it all out.


You have double faces on the same spot, fighting for visibility.

Remove the doubles

  • In edit mode, vertex selection mode, select all and merge by distance.

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