Problem: Failed to load Outer for resource

So I am not sure why this is happening but here’s my story:

So I was done for the day with this course but I only was doing Live Coding updates throughout. So I figured this would be a good time to do a Build Task with VS code so I closed Unreal and ran the “ToonTanks Win64 Development Build” and that was successful. But now when I open Unreal again, I get all these errors:

CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource

So all my tanks and turrets that I placed are now missing from the map as well. Any suggestions on how to resolve this? I was making this in Unreal 5.

I found the problem but I’ll leave this up for anyone who ran into this problem again.

I just reviewed the section: Live Coding Issues |

and it turns out I ran the wrong build task and this caused the issue. The one you need to run is called "“ToonTanksEditor Win64 Development Build” (Editor being the key word). Once I ran that build task and opened Unreal, everything came back and it’s functioning normally.

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