Problem creating with SourceTree

when I hit creat this happens …

Can someone please help me ?

I just posted my own experience above yours. I think it will help. You are experiencing the same thing that I was. Rather than post again just see my post. Good luck!

I have like this problem!
Can anyone help us!

You dont want to “CLONE” or “CREATE” a repository,

you want to “ADD” an exisiting repository.

That’s why it’s not working!

Click on the folder symbol “Add” and enter the same path.

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Indeed, had same issue here. All i’ve done was to uncheck the “create repository on account”, got i prompt (don’t recall what was in there exactly) and i’d just confirm.
Worked fine for me.

vagnerlands explanation did it (worked±).

but I will say it’s not a well-done lecture on this entire sourcetree+github use imo.

I have the same problem. Actually, in the video Ben sais we have to “create” a new repository. This makes sense because there is no working repository before - there is just files from Unreal/Visual Studio. But even if I would take the advice and “add” this existing folder with data as a repository to SourceTree, this will not work because SourceTree then sais that this is not a working repository. Also, SourceTree frequently crashed afterwards. So, any help would be appreciated.

I’m currently running this course with a friend of mine and we got into the exactly same problem. I guess there are ways to fix it, however we found 1 fix that worked for us. Its not complicated at all. You simply switch a little around of what Ben does. Instead of installing your project to the folder you want as repository, you make the folder first. Then you make a repository of it. Then you install the project into it.

Make a folder on your disk => Make it a repository folder through Sourcetree => Install your Unreal project into this folder.

But like I said, I’m sure there are many ways to do this, but this worked like a charm for me and my friend.

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