Pro tip: Don't import 'Highest Quality' Megascans

I have a farily beefy PC: RTX 3080, 64GB RAM, and an EVO 970 M.2 SSD (separate from the OS) and the ‘Highest Quality’ megascans give pretty terrible editor performance. If I were to do it over again, for the purpose of learning and completing the course, I would probably choose ‘Lowest Quality’.

Even disabling the fancy UE5 features like Lumen, and virtual shadowmaps, I eventually had to reduce the texture size of all megascan assets to 2048. Only then did the editor performance become okay (It would stutter and dip to 46-48fps).

I have the same specs and half the RAM and not had an issue, only when making very large maps with thousands of foliage assets

Highest preset is probably meant for film, anyway.

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