Prison break - feedback wanted

its a simple game I’ve made. any feed back is greatly appreciated. link below


Just as a heads up, the Unity Web Player relies on an underlying technology which most modern browsers no longer support. As such, like myself, you may find a number of people can’t actually play your game to provide you with any feedback.

You have some options though…

Later in the course, you upgrade to Unity 5, at this point, as long as you download version 5.4 onwards you will be able to use a WebGL build and thus could come back and rebuild your previous games and share them again.

You could of course upgrade your version of Unity now, this would enable you to produce a WebGL build of this and the other games as you move through the course, however, you will find that there will be some differences between the code shown in the course and that which you will need to enter to run the games. This is due to API changes within Unity since the course was created.

Thankfully, all of these changes are documented in a resource under lecture 8 in the course.

A final option would be to just share with friends/family perhaps using a Stand Alone Build and share it via Dropbox or Google Drive.

Note, if you do consider upgrading the version of Unity, there is no reason not to go all the way to 2017, again, the differences are covered in the above resource, there really isn’t much point potentially upgrading twice.

On a final note, if/when you do upgrade, consider using which is the replacement for the previous service, the latter is not owned/managed by so if there are any issues with it, they are not really in a position to help you.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

this should fix it

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