Pressed Firing Weapon line trace disappears e not work

The Weapon Trace set up this way is fine, but I noticed that if I were to hold down the Left Mouse Button to fire in bursts, the line trace disappears (it doesn’t stay active) and therefore doesn’t work. Whereas if I do alternating, it is there and recognises the target (red square) and then damage etc. is applied.

In the lecture, we set the DrawDebugType to ForDuration with the duration set to the default 5 secs (you can see this start to happen at around 6:00 in the lecture). You can see this by clicking the little arrow at the bottom of the node, expanding it (see fully expanded view below)

The alien’s collision doesn’t perfectly match with the line trace so it does sometimes miss, the easiest thing to do is to increase the height of the capsule collision for the Alien (radius wouldn’t hurt, either). You don’t need to increase it by much (I used 95 for the height, 40 for the radius) to make it more consistent.

I had already done the collision change. What I meant was this, see video:

Video example (Problem Firing in Bursts, no damage enemies)

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