Presenting a Sword - A blend of a few traditional styles

Somehow couldn’t make the lights better. Anything bright was overpowering the Black blade.


Start with one lamp!
Make it as bright (strong) as possible (no white bleeding).
Then add a lamp to enlighten the dark spots.


Done Finally.

I was intending to bring out every detail in the sword. It took me 4 Area Lights and 1 Point Light with change in Ground Settings.

And here is the result


A great result!!!
You could zoom in a bit to show more of the details.
or use more screen space by rotating the sword.

Fine project!

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I am doing a 360 degree animation with zoom in and out to showcase the Sword. May be day after I will be posting. In Cycles it is taking time. 35 Sec for one frame! Uff


Nice sword in a decorative scabbard.

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Thank you very much.

Man, that’s gorgeous!


Thanks a lot Jay

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I love using blender, such a powerful tool. But I need more practise, I’m feeling quite frustrated, at the moment, I feel like I’m not achieving much, how ever much I try, but when I look back at my earlier attempts I see that I have improved. I did not think it would be this hard, I’m hoping I will eventually get it right. Keep up your fantastic art! xxx

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