Preproccessor Directive #pragma once throws error in vscode

Upon opening BullCowGame for the first time in vscode there is a red squiggle on line 3 of BullCowCartidge.h

The suggested fix is to edit the Intellisense Configurations to edit settings defined in the underlying c_cpp_properties.json file

This is a bit out of my depth and I haven’t found a solution via Google, can anyone point me in the right direction?

So to be clear you haven’t done that?

Hey Dan, thanks for responding.

Correct, I followed the tool tip into C/C++ Configurations
(It gave me the option to update settings for “Unreal” or “BullCowGame” and I chose the latter.)

I suspect I’m supposed to add something to “Defines” but I’m beyond my ken.

SOLUTION: Rolling back to Unreal 4.22.3


Investigation reveals that this is an issue with #include headers not finding two files:


may be related to issue UE-87619
Which led me to this post on the gamedev forums

I was running:
Windows Version 10.0.18362 Build 18362
Unreal 4.25.1
VScode version 1.46

Rolling back to unreal 4.22.3, deleting the BullCowGame files and re-installing them, then restarting my machine, and re-launcing BullCowGame in Unreal 4.22.3 resolved the issue

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