Practice scene before going on

Really worked hard on this one - the most complicated thing so far. I tried to use as much as possible of what we’ve learned so far.

I can’t believe I actually made all the buttons on the keyboard! Here’s cycle renders from 2 different angles plus a closeup of the keyboard.


So no letters on your keyboard. :rofl:

Well done for making them all.
Do you have a square screen? :smile:
Chair is good.

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Haven’t gotten to being able to put text on things yet. And yeah, monitors these days aren’t square. Didn’t think of that. But overall I’m pretty happy with how fast I’m learning.

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I bet it took you so long! :raised_hands: I love it!

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You are now in the phase of adding details, making more complex (organic) objects. Great progress.
Don’t make it too difficult, there is still much to learn.

Have fun.

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