Postfix function for TripleX Level

I wanted to challenge myself to add a post fix to the level number for Triple X, instead of writing ‘level 1’ it allows you to do ‘1st level’. You just have to pass in a number and it spits out the postfix (i.e. 1 -> st for 1st, 22 -> nd for 22nd and so forth). Feel free to add it to yours and try to integate it or just break it down. Here’s the code:

std::string DeterminePostFix(int Number) 
  std::string PostFix;

  if (Number % 10 == 1 && (Number / 10) % 10 != 1) 
    PostFix = "st";
  else if (Number % 10 == 2 && (Number / 10) % 10 != 1) 
    PostFix = "nd";
  else if (Number % 10 == 3 && (Number / 10) % 10 != 1) 
    PostFix = "rd";
    PostFix = "th";

  return PostFix;

Edits: formatting, figuring out how the forum works, and a quick change to handle the 11-13 cases

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Awesome job with challenging yourself!

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