So, my amateur-first-lesson-just-starting-out guess at defining “main() function”
No freakin’ clue. My emaciated understanding of code terminology feels massive, a bit overwhelming and is a personal hurdle I hope to cure with this course.
…That being said, maybe it’s the main… outcome or “job” the code will perform? Current assumption is that we’re basically building a “program” when we write code, and so… the computer/OS runs everything, and we’re plugging in a new device, a program, and the “main()” function is say, “print paper” and it will [call] all the other “”“functions”"" or whatnot we’re about to write, i.e. ‘get paper’ ‘get pattern’ ‘spit ink’ ‘eject paper’ ‘complain low-ink’ and those individual lil bits make up the “main ()” which is “job done” or maybe “job’s doing”
¯_(ツ)_/¯ I don’freakin’know, let’s go find out.
-thx for listening, sorry for human syntax; sorry in advance future me, get back to work.